- M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Manitoba, 2022
- Published a thesis on the use of a hybrid database (MySQL and Graph) in supporting transportation data analytics
- B.Sc. in Computer Science (Major Co-Op), University of Manitoba, 2018
- Computer Science concentrations in Software Engineering and Databases
- Minors in Economics and Statistics
Work experience (not up-to-date, check LinkedIn)
- Fall 2018: Teaching Assistant
- Dept. of Computer Science, University of Manitoba
- Conducting class tutorials, debugging students’ code, and evaluating submissions.
- Summer 2018: Software Engineer Co-Op (Co-op Work Term III)
- Electronic Arts
- Maintained and created tools for the content delivery pipeline.
- Validated Live content data, as well as system failures from a prioritized backlog.
- Fall 2014 - Winter 2018: Teaching Assistant
- Dept. of Computer Science, University of Manitoba
- Courses are listed in detail in the Teaching Assistant Roles tab.
- Summer 2017: Research Assistant (Co-op Work Term II)
- Database & Data Mining Laboratory, University of Manitoba
- Created an orientation-free frequent pattern visualizer for Big Data, using D3.js. The goal was to enhance collaboration among users which, from my research on other visualization tools, was a common limitation.
- Supervisor: Dr. Carson K. Leung
- Winter 2017: Software Engineering Intern (Co-op Work Term I)
- Google Inc.
- Created a dashboard to view/query usage, demand, and supply of resources (cpu, disk, millicpu, milligpu) across clusters in different regions.
- Facilitated content migration by providing an export feature of said data to spreadsheets.
- Programming Languages
- Python, Java, C/C++, Haxe, HTML/CSS, Javascript, SQL, R, Ruby
- Frameworks
- Poetry, FastAPI, Spring, Rails, CUDA, ROBOTIS
- Databases
- MySQL, SQL Server, Amazon Neptune
- DevOps
- GitHub Actions, Bitbucket Pipes, Nginx, Docker, Vagrant, Capistrano, TravisCI
- Operating Systems
- Version Control
- Miscellenous
- Jira, JProfiler, OpenCV, gdb, pdb, clang
Teaching Roles